After a late night campfire yesterday, we all slept in a bit today and had a fun day doing lots of different stuff.
Mark went on a bike ride while Petunia and I went on a "little hike" that was starting to feel like Gilligan's 3 hour tour. (Young uns are gonna have to look up that reference.) The path was overgrown, we kept seeing animal tracks, and when we heard an unidentifiable squeaking noise (I think it was a swaying tree that was surely about to fall) I made us turn back around.
The funny thing was as we had been going on and on and on with no end in sight, at first Petunia wanted to turn around. I told her to hang in there because we were probably '9 miles down a 10 mile road', a reference I knew she would understand because a band we know called Cloverdayle sings a song of that title. (Check them out. They're good!) As we marched on over more fallen limbs and spider webs, I was the one ready to turn around. That's when she encouraged, "Mama, now we're 11 miles down a 10 mile road!" Haha! Love her humor and wit!
We all came back home from our activities for a rest and some food and started to watch the movie Lincoln because of all our recent learning in the area. Since it is so long, we watched the first part and then got back outside for a swim!
Finally, we ended the day by driving to Indiana (our 6th state!) for dinner! I wanted to go, just because I knew we were close and this was probably our best chance to get into that state. After driving along and then crossing the scenic Ohio River, we went to a charming little river town, Madison, Indiana and ate at Hinkle's Burgers, which we all heartily recommend.
Getting to see natural beauty and exploring new towns (and states!) with my family--it's just what we hoped for with the crazy adventure! Thanks for joining us and being a part of it!
That's all for now! We're going to need some help pretty soon and are thinking of a little contest to get some ideas from you guys, so get your thinking caps ready. More soon!