I use and love Young Living essential oils!
Have you heard of the amazing benefits that come from essential oils? Because of the wonderful results I have experienced personally and witnessed within my family and group of friends, I am a huge fan and now love to share my story with everyone!
For me, it started by following a friend’s usage of Young Living oils in her family. Her family had kids with a lot of sickness and many rounds of doctor visits and antibiotics. After she started using the oils to boost their natural immunity, the sickness and doctor visits went away. Her story did get my attention, but only enough to order a couple oils and “have them on hand” just in case. Months went by where I didn’t use them or even think about them.
Then crisis struck!
I got sick in December 2013. Getting sick in December stinks for anyone, but if you work for a church with multiple Christmas Eve services, host family over the holidays every year, and travel to Uganda in January on a regular basis, then getting sick in December really, really stinks.
Gratefully, our family does not get sick very often and we aren’t fans of taking much medicine, so I did not really even have any “regular medicine” on hand. I prayed, used Young Living Thieves Oil, water, and rest, to boost my immunity and experience health in one single day. I was back to about 85% of feeling like my normal self in just over 24 hours! Everyone around me was staying down for two weeks, but I was able to carry on as normal! Of course the oils had my full attention after that!
Since then, my family, friends and I have used oils to support our body systems, including our digestive, respiratory, nervous and muscular systems perform at their best. We also use them for skin care; emotional balance; dietary supplementation; and environment enhancer like taking baths with essential oils and diffusing oils, which not only smells good but also gives you all the benefits of the oils' compounds.
I encourage you to give oils a try. Knowing we are supporting ourselves and our families with pure, natural substances is tremendously comforting.
Not sure if oils can help what you would like some assistance with? You might be amazed! Oil-testimonials is one of my favorite websites to read what has worked for others.
If you know you want to jump in and get your own, then I highly encourage you to sign up with your own wholesale account, where you get a 24% discount on all oils and products and can get a starter kit for even deeper discounts and that come with more goodies. If you sign up using the information and links below, that means you’ll be part of my team. What does that mean for you? In addition to the good deal that the kit already is, I also gift all my team members with reference materials, and support you to know hot to get the most out of your oils. We have a friendly, welcoming Facebook group where you can learn from and share with others.
Are you ready to get started on your oily journey?
Follow these few easy steps:
- Click here.
- Select “Wholesale Member.” This is what allows you to purchase products at a 24% discount on everything you order, makes you eligible to purchase the starter kits which are incredible deals, and is the way that you can earn money if you decide to share your love of the oils now or at any time in the future.
- Please make sure that my number (1596853) is listed in the boxes for sponsor and enroller.
- Enter your information in the next section. Why social security number? In case you do earn money, this is required. Why e-mail address? Because I need to be able to get in touch with you and help you start your oily journey. I will send you some very helpful information to make sure you have everything you need.
- Choose your starter kit. You can get started with any of these, but I strongly recommend the premium starter kit. That kit comes with 11 oils, a diffuser (you will want this!), oil and Ningxia Red samples, and more. Make sure you choose the US starter kit if you are in the US because there is an international option.
- Unless we have already spoken about essential rewards, you probably want to select “No, thank you.” You can sign up any time later–and will probably want to, but let’s chat about it.
- Put in your payment information.
- The hardest part–waiting for your oils to get here! Don’t delay–a week from now you’ll wish you already ordered your oils!
Welcome to our happy family of oil users!
I am excited for you!
To be clear, I am not a doctor and nothing I say about oils is to be used to diagnose or treat any type of disease. If you have a concern about your health, please check with your doctor. These testimonies I share our simply our own experiences.