Have Heart, Will Travel


Counting Days

Life lessonsNancy2 Comments

Do you think one could ever feel completely ready for such a grand adventure?  It is a huge undertaking to leave your home and life as you know it for a whole year, and I believe we could constantly find one more thing to do before we feel "ready" to go. In fact, it seemed for a while that for every item we were crossing off our to-do list that we were adding two! I wish I were kidding.

To-do list

We've been packing, we've been downsizing. We have secured renters for our home for the year we'll be away. We have bought things, sold things, fixed things.

We have taken our RV for a test trip. We learned things, we forgot things, we made things up.

We've had victories. And trials. And we got a lot of experience.

experience quote

I jest!  There's just been a lot to learn and Mark, especially, has had to learn a dozen and one new talents involved in this new lifestyle. Fortunately for all of us, he has an analytical mind, likes solving problems and is a quick study!

But here we are, ready to live in the spirit that is calling us to this adventure in the first place and declare a departure date!

Before we get to our countdown of days, allow me to share with you this video about making the days count.  It's fair to say this is the same heart behind our motivation to examine our values that led to this crazy thing!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOksW_NabEk&w=560&h=315]

So, if all goes well from here on out...or even sort of well...we plan to depart on MONDAY, JULY 13TH!

We even have reservations several hours away from home that night, so you can see we're pretty sure about making that date work! I can't wait to write about first adventures from the road!

You may even notice that fancy basic countdown clock on the side of the blog. We are serious people!  We are going to be ready! No to-dos left undone. All ready!  Repeat it until I believe it.

Wait, is this really happening???

Yes! Because jellybeans.