Have Heart, Will Travel


New adventures with old friends: the Surfing edition

Beach, California, New AdventuresNancy PowellComment

This Grand Adventure has taken us to the West Coast and into our 30th state--California!  California is a state we love to visit as there is so much natural beauty and so many fun things to do and learn.

After a few days making our way across to the coast, we arrived at the home of Hilary and Chris and their four precious kiddos.  Hilary and Nancy were roommates for a year back in the early Washington DC days, so our friendship is coming up on its 20th anniversary. I can hardly believe I just typed that number. Someone hold me.

Back in the "olden days", Hilary, Nancy and Mark all spent a lot of time together constantly exploring and going out to find new things to do in and around our nation's capital.

So it wasn't too surprising that HIlary suggested that Petunia might like to try something new during our current visit.

They took us to this state beach near their house. We had to drink in the scene.

They took us to this state beach near their house. We had to drink in the scene.

A gorgeous beach is a good place to start in my book. Any day.

Surfboard-toting, beach-going minivans are cool.

Surfboard-toting, beach-going minivans are cool.

Hilary's oldest two kiddos have been surfing for a while and Hilary thought Petunia might like to try it. At first, she stuck to the boogie board, which was definitely an upgrade from any boogie board she'd used before.  The weather was nice and warm for those of us sitting and watching, but the kids donned wetsuits so that they could stay and play in the water a longer time.

Making their way down to the beach was the first obstacle of the day.

Making their way down to the beach was the first obstacle of the day.

This sweet girl loves the beach, sun, sand and water activities--all of it!  She was excited for getting out to play in those waves!

There were big enough waves for the best boogie boarding she had ever gotten to do. Look at that enjoyment!

This face!

This face!

After a while, Petunia decided she was ready to give real surfing a try. Her sweet friend  gave Petunia a pre-water lesson.

Love these sweet girls!

Love these sweet girls!

Walking her through the steps.

Walking her through the steps.

Eventually, you just have to get out there and try!

Get a look at her facial expressions in these next couple pics!

Surfing is hard. She wiped out and had to try over and over.

And then, for one very brief moment, there was this...



Her time standing up on the board didn't last long, but I am so proud that she stuck with it until she got to see how it felt.  Earlier in the day, she thought she might keep to the boogie board because she knew she could do it and it would be fun.  Surfing would be challenging and risky.  

But she did it...and she loved it.  When she saw that pic of her standing on the board, her jaw dropped open.  I wish we could all see pictures of ourselves succeeding where we have been sure of failure before. There is no failure until you quit trying.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."  -Thomas A. Edison

Way to go, girls!

I think it's okay if this girl was just a little proud of her accomplishment! She had all the key elements for trying something new and difficult: 1. A willingness to try  2. A friend to show her the way  3. A determination to not give up

One of the reasons for our Grand Adventure was education through travel, and I tend to believe these kind of life lessons count.  Maybe double.

Day 10: Niagara Falls

International, RV destinationsNancy Powell8 Comments

Niagara Falls is one of those places that made it on our itinerary before we actually had an itinerary.  I had never been and really wanted to see it!  I heard from some who loved it and from others who thought it was overrated. For me, it was absolutely breathtaking!  Our visit was magnificent!


Before I share our favorite pics from the falls, I will also say that we spent day 9 traveling through Ohio on our way there. We had some miles to make up and were going to be arriving in the Cleveland area in the evening.  I remembered that one of my friends and former co-workers from my DC days lived in the area, in a very charming nearby town. I contacted her, hoping we could come by and say hi. She enthusiastically invited us over and we ended up spending the night at her place.  Our connections with "old friends" has been a great highlight of our adventure.

Me and "Duffy"  :)

Me and "Duffy"  :)

When we got to Niagara Falls State Park the next afternoon, we first came to the American Falls.  I was stunned to be there in person. Hearing the roar of the water, seeing it all, feeling the spray is a multi-sensory experience that is hard to describe!

So happy to be seeing the Falls with my girl!

So happy to be seeing the Falls with my girl!

I thought the American Falls were so beautiful and we really stayed a while and enjoyed the view. However, it's the Horseshoe Falls which are considered the most impressive falls of Niagara, and when I saw those...

...yes, there were tears.

Horseshoe Falls

Horseshoe Falls

Petunia and I heading in for a closer view.

Petunia and I heading in for a closer view.

So mighty!

So mighty!

Back for some pics at American Falls.

Back for some pics at American Falls.

Mark was taking some amazing pictures, but we got him in a few.

Mark was taking some amazing pictures, but we got him in a few.

Every once in a while Petunia would ask to take our picture. I think she has the gene. 

Every once in a while Petunia would ask to take our picture. I think she has the gene. 

While being up close to the falls is the place to be for sensing the power and majesty of the rushing water, the best view, one could say, is a little farther away so you have a better perspective on the whole scope of the falls.

So we walked to:

Because why not?

Because why not?

Horseshoe Falls as viewed from Canada. Stunning!

Horseshoe Falls as viewed from Canada. Stunning!

We only stayed a little while and then came back to the good ol' USA!  Yes, we had our passports with us.

We stayed late and got some night shots.

We stayed late and got some night shots.

"The admirers"

"The admirers"

These nighttime shots of the water pouring over Horseshoe falls are my favorite!