Have Heart, Will Travel


Someday Saturday: Belgium

International, Someday SaturdayNancyComment

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Today's Someday Saturday is BELGIUM!

For me, it has always been a place of quintessential European charm mixed with some mystique.  The mystique may come from the fact that my favorite author's most famous character, Private Detective Hercule Poirot, hails from Belgium.  While most of the novels are set in London (another place which has been featured in Someday Saturday), Poirot makes it very clear to people that he is Belgian. If you haven't checked out Hercule Poirot or Agatha Christie yet, please start with this book or maybe this one.  Hope you love them half as much as I do!

Here are a few other interesting facts about Belgium:

  • While Belgium is the 5th smallest country in the EU (after Malta, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Slovenia), it is the 6th highest importer of coffee in the world!
  • Belgium has been producing chocolate for almost 400 years. There are over 2000 chocolate shops!
  • The international presence, in organizations and embassies, is second only to New York.
  • There are more castles per kilometer than anywhere else in the whole world.
  • Belgium can claim 3 distinct language regions, and parts of its populations speak Dutch, French, and German.


Beautiful, isn't it?

What about you?

Have you been to Belgium? Do you have any desire to go? It it on your list now? Do you know something else interesting about Belgium to share?
