Have Heart, Will Travel

A peek into our current glamour!

UncategorizedNancy1 Comment

Friends and strangers alike have responded overwhelmingly kindly to our big news! Most people are excited for us and have asked for ways to follow our journey!  Besides this blog and our Facebook page, we are still planning more ways, so stay tuned, our peeps!

In the meantime, I thought you guys might like a peek into the glamorous life of a family who is taking off for a year-long adventure!


Well, it looks a lot like this. Slowly, but surely, they're actually getting packed.


And, we're using a whole lot of this stuff.  Seems we really like pictures of family and friends around here!wpid-20150610_174907.jpgThere's piles of this in, yeah....just about every corner.


But we're making progress. Last time you could see this much open space in this closet, the last book in the Harry Potter series hadn't even been released. wpid-20150610_174947.jpg

Turns out, it takes a whole lot of work to downsize a house and years and years of accumulated stuff. It's good work, though. We're getting to look at our belongings and decide what we want to consciously keep in our lives or what it's ok (and good!) to pass along to someone else. As hard and tedious as this work is, I am glad for the chance and the reason to be going through it all.