Have Heart, Will Travel

New York City the whole family can enjoy

New York CityNancy2 Comments

New York City is a wonderful destination for families! Don't believe the myth that the Big Apple is no place for young kids (or equally untrue: if you choose the sites that are fun for kids, the adults would not really enjoy the city.) Attractions abound that entertain, educate, thrill and inspire all ages!

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A couple years ago, Mark and I made the decision to add a couple days in New York City to a vacation we were taking to Maine to visit family.  We did not want to take too much time away from our loved ones and yet, as I am sure you are getting the idea, it is a priority for us to introduce Petunia to new places where she will get a fuller sense of the wild world.

Plans were made and airline tickets bought, granting us just about 2 days in the City.  What can you do in New York in less than 48 hours?  A lot.

I had to employ a strategy that I often use on travel days with much success. To end the day feeling we have accomplished what is most important to us without feelings of exhaustion and frustration, I regularly turn to my Top 3.

The Top 3 refers to the 3 places to see or things to do that I really want to make sure we get to almost no matter what. Okay, it's important to stay flexible, even about the Top 3, so that if plans have to change, your day does not feel like a disappointment.  For Petunia's first trip to NYC (and our first trip in years) here were my Top 3: seeing the city from atop a skyscraper for a bird's eye view of Manhattan, riding the Staten Island ferry and getting a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty, and attending a Broadway play.

Did I know we could do more even in a short amount of time? Yes, I was pretty sure we could. But here's the deal:  Everything else was gravy.  We had some idea of other things we could see, but with no set agenda.  If we had to leave our little weekend excursion having accomplished only those three things for whatever reason, well...that's a pretty good introduction to New York City even still.

But we saw and did so much more.

In upcoming posts, I will share more details, tips, favorites and "secret" gems we uncovered in the city.  For now, if you're wondering what play we saw on Broadway, here ya go.

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