This past week, we hit the milestone of being on our journey for 3 months! I feel like time is flying by. However, when I think back to the places we've been and some of the stops we made in the first couple weeks on the road, I can realize that it really has been months.
We have seen and experienced so many things together. All three of us have learned a lot. We have met a few challenges and many more moments of serendipity.
As we have stated before, one of our reasons for taking this adventure now is the age of our daughter. We are happy to spend this time as a family together, especially when she is at the age to learn so much about our country's history and natural beauty. We believed, therefore, this might be a good time to let her share some of her thoughts. She was happy to oblige, but wanted me to write some questions to get her thoughts going. At the end of the questions are some free form thoughts from Petunia.
When I think about being oh the road for 3 moths now, I feel: I'm not sure. Mixed emotions, I guess. At first I feel crazy that we're doing this, then homesick, and then happy again.
One thing I've learned that has had a big impact on me was: learning about the Revolutionary War, and the Boston Tea Party, while going to a lot of the cities that were connected to it. (I got to throw tea into the Boston Harbor!)
A couple things that have been super fun were: Going to Boston, New York, Philadephis and especially DC, because I got to see the White House, the Captiol, the Washington Monument, etc. (You can't forget Niagara Falls, the horses, Bar Harbor, etc.)
One thing that wasn't very fun was: There is nothing that I can think of for this question. :) [parental note: She answered these the day before we went to the Outer Banks Seafood Festival. To Petunia, fish are friends, not food. She would amend her answer now to say this event was not very fun.]
I miss this about home: Copper, my friends and family, and my teammates and Coaches.
I love this about traveling: Getting to see the country, and all of its wonders.
I got a big surprise when: My parents woke me up and said we were going somewhere fun. A park. At first, I didn't want to go, and then I realized they were taking me to an amusement park.
I hope: That the rest of the RV trip is as fun as these first 3 months were!
What you probably don't know about living in an RV: Most people think an RV is tiny. I agree. At least, I did. But they feel a lot bigger once you get used to it.
"I love traveling in an RV because I don't know what to expect. For example, any day we might go to a museum, state park or historic site. Yesterday, we went to look for shells on the beach...I FOUND TREASURE!!! <3 <3 <3 :) :) :) (I'll get back to you on that later!)
I would like to say HI to all of my friends and family in Texas and would like them to know that not a day goes by that I don't think about them, especially my wonderful cousins! Some of them are taking such great care of Copper!!!"
--Much love, Petunia